

Welcome to the WAPDA Water Wing Portal: Advanced ERP Reports! This dedicated portal is your comprehensive resource for accessing advanced ERP reports tailored to the financial and operational needs of the WAPDA Water Wing. Our goal is to provide employees with easy access to crucial data and insights that facilitate informed decision-making and efficient management.

Features of this Portal:

Financial Reports

Gain insights into the financial health of each water wing formation through meticulously prepared financial reports.

Financial Reports

These reports cover various aspects including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.
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Dr. / Cr. Advices and HOCA Statements

Generate and print advice issues to various Water Wing formations and Head Office Account Current Statement during month effortlessly.

Dr. / Cr. Advices and HOCA Statement

This feature streamlines the process of creating official documents related to financial Dr. / Cr. Advices to various Water Wing formations and HOCA Statements.
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LTA Employee Reports

Access detailed reports on long-term employee advances. These reports provide information on advances given to employees.

LTA Employee Reports

including repayment schedules, and outstanding balances Employee wise as well Department wise.
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Miscellanous Reports

Coming Soon.......

Miscellanous Reports

Soon will be available on Portal
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Video Tutorials:

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1 Comment

  1. Avatar John Dews

    Nice work but need nore improvement

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